Speaking of dogs…
My daughter and her husband bought a dog. They named him Hank Jr. Do I even need to go on? The dog is half hound and half “what the hell?” He even looks like a hard drinkin’ redneck dog. He has dug up my gardens, eaten the arms off of my pool chairs, gnawed on the deck rails and he even yanked off a piece of the siding on our house. I had to keep my husband, Big D from killing him when he found the siding. I love my daughter and I love my son-in-law and that is the only reason I haven’t thrown that mongrel in the big blue Atlantic wearing a concrete dog collar....aawwwwwwe, yeah, whatever.
I am not a fan of country music and I had serious doubts about my future son-in-law when he proudly showed me the dancing, cowboy hat wearing, singing, mini Hank Williams jr. “doll” that he loves. Press a button and he will perform for you. It’s a lot like the singing fish of the eighties….only tackier. Yes, I have grown to love my son-in-law despite his strange taste in music. When my daughter and her husband “surprised” everyone with a new puppy and told me the dog’s name I could not stop laughing, and what’s even funnier is that I cannot for the life of me remember his name when I need to. The kids have to call him for me and now they think I’m senile. I think it’s a mental block. You would think that a dog named Hank Jr would be hard to forget. I love to hear them call the dog….Here, Hank Jr! It just cracks me up. For some reason I keep calling him Frank…maybe I just like Sinatra better than Hank Williams. I have even called him Max….there’s no joke here, I just pulled that name outta my….well, you get the picture. Anyway, on his doggie ID tag they actually put Hank Jr. Is that the absolute perfect redneck name or what? “Mam? I found Hank Jr wandering through the trailer park…lucky you had your phone number on the ID tag because he smells like he’s been drinkin’ Jim Beam and smokin’ Marlboro Reds. He’s dug holes everywhere and I think he got the poodle across the street pregnant…again.” Oh Hank , Why do you drink,… Hank, why do you roll smoke? Why must you live out the songs that you wrote? Oh Hank Jr...
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